Maharishi's Global Press Conferences Highlights

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr John Hagelin and Dr Bevan Morris. link to press conference highlights archive
'Now I welcome the influence of the world press to bring the message of—Total Knowledge—to every individual in our world and invincibility to every nation in our world. Whatever life has been so far, it has been endeavouring to be better and better. Now should be the time to step onto the plateau of the fulfilment of all the endeavors of the wise throughout the ages.'—Maharishi

Maharishi Establishes the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust

11 January 2008


On 11 January, Maharishi founded the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust, which will secure invincibility for the whole human race throughout time, by perpetually supporting Maharishi’s groups of Vedic Pandits at the World Capital of Raam Raj at the Brahma-Sthan (centre of India), in the forty-eight Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar, and in all the Maharishi Towers of Invincibility around the world.

Maharishi designed the invincible structure of enlightened leadership of the Global Council of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust, now and for all future generations: The Patron of the Trust will always be His Holiness the Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, who has accepted today to take this great position. The perpetual President in each generation will be Maharaja Nader Raam, soaked in the Silent Administration of Raja Raam the Great, lauded in the Ramayana. The Purusha Rajas with Universal Domain form the silent wing of the Global Council of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust, and the Rajas responsible for all the nations of the world, and the twelve Ministers of the Global Country of World Peace, form the wing of silence and dynamism together. Maharishi designated the Executive Council of this body to be the Prime Minister of the Global County of World Peace, the Minister of Finance and Planning, the Raja of Invincible America, the Raja of Invincible India, and the Raja of Invincible China.

Following the announcement of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust, Maharishi said:

Maharishi: ‘Jai Guru Dev. I am grateful for this warm send-off of Invincibility to the whole world for all times. It has been my pleasure at the feet of Guru Dev*, to take the light of Guru Dev and pass it on in my environment. Now today, I am closing my designed duty to Guru Dev. And I can only say, “Live long the world in peace, happiness, prosperity, and freedom from suffering.”

Today, this farewell marks the establishment of Invincibility for all mankind under the capable silent rulership of Maharaja Raja Raam and under the capable guidance of all the Ministers and all the glorified mind in terms of all dignity, the light in Invincibility for every country. And this is my satisfaction, and I offer this to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.

‘Prime Minister, offer my everything to the blessings of Guru Dev and continue with the world in peace, prosperity, and happiness. This formation of Trust, of Brahmanand Saraswati Trust, is going to be a glory for all the future of life on earth, on the individual level and on the national level. All Glory to Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.

‘Express my delight for all the millennium to come that the world is going to be a happy world. All Glory to Guru Dev. Brahmanand Saraswati Trust is going to take the lighted lamp every morning and every night that is going to come. The future of the world is bright, and that is my delight. Jai Guru Dev.’

Maharishi then invited all the Rajas to express their appreciation for the establishment of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust. The Rajas and Ministers spoke profoundly on many levels of their appreciation, their honour of being included in the Global Council of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust, and their deep gratitude for Maharishi’s perfect service to Guru Dev for more than fifty years. Maharishi reflected on their appreciation and said:

‘When I am listening to all this, my mind goes to, “from where all this was happening?” I did not know from where all this was happening. It was happening is all that I know. It was the destiny of the world. It was fortune of the world that was being shaped, being designed. By whom, I did not know. By some skill, some skill, by some skill beyond my fathomability. I was simply working. I was simply working. I was simply working. I did not know from where all the instruments are coming to give shape to the world, here, there, and everywhere. I was only working. Because when I am hearing all these beautiful sentiments, I was led on to find out from where this was happening.

‘The depth of Vedic Wisdom for life is so enormous that it is completely self-sufficient in its articulating everything. One would never know from where one is acting. When I hear all these sentiments, the only thing I could say, I started to find out from where I was doing—I was not doing—it was happening. From place to place I was moving around. It was happening, but it was not I that was instrumental to it in any way. So I find no source of it. This is because unfathomable is the field of Natural Law; unfathomable is the field of Natural Law. And it happens, and it happens, and it works out the destiny of everyone. You go to find this logic, that logic, that logic, that logic—you are not able to pinpoint from where it is happening, and ultimately you are left to something that you can only say, Jai Guru Dev. It’s from there that it is happening.

‘I remember a Vedic saying,
Na Guror adhikam, na Guror adhikam, na Guror adhikam”—There is nothing greater than Guru Dev, nothing greater than Guru Dev. Gurur Brahma—this is how Guru Dev is defined—“Gurur Vishnur, Gurur Devo Maheshwara”, and above all, “Guru Sakshat param Brahma tasmai Shri Gurave namah”. I end up with something beyond anything, and that is the reality of life. You can’t find the source, because the course is all over. Where ends intellect, where ends everything—in the Transcendental is the reality of all possibility. So, Glory to Guru Dev. Glory to Guru Dev. Glory to Guru Dev. And we got to that course of action; we got to that course of action from where everything is a possibility, automatically.

‘Nothing can be pinpointed. When I was hearing all the glory, all the efforts, all my own appreciation, I was knowing what they are doing. They are searching for something that they are not able to isolate, very great glory of unbounded energy and intelligence. The source is everywhere. That is Vedic Civilization. What is at the basis of this? Total Knowledge, Jyotish—Jyotish Vidya. Jyotish, Jyotish, Jyotish is that source of unbounded energy, all-knowingness. That is Jyotish. There one is saint; there one is saint. There is the secret of all secrets. We can’t pinpoint—we can’t pinpoint our stand. We can’t pinpoint our status. We can’t pinpoint our activity, from where all this is happening. It’s happening of course, but from where it is happening—completely transcendental in nature.

‘The picture of Yoga, the picture of Jyotish, the picture of devotion, the field of knowledge— unfathomable, completely unfathomable. That is why what we have done is established the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. Such a beautiful picture is painted, such a beautiful picture is painted, but from where it is painted It is painted from where it is— Totality. Totality is real. All the Yoga, all the Yoga, all the Yoga, the whole field of life, you find from where to draw it. It’s not possible to locate the source of it; it’s not possible to locate the source of it. Unfathomable, unfathomable is the field of Brahm, Totality. You cannot locate it. You can take out anything you want, but you don’t know from where it is coming. It’s a beautiful picture; it’s a beautiful picture.

‘The invincible Raja of America is the greatest visionary of reality. Unified Field is such a spread up thing, unified, completely spread up, completely spread up. You use it—spontaneously is the word. You use it—completely “spontaneously” is the word. That is why the experience has always been there.

‘Invincible Raja of America, when I am saying this I am reminded of you, because in you I have seen that Invincibility that cannot be isolated anywhere. You will be able to design the human race functioning on that level of Invincibility, motivated by Natural Law, total Natural Law. It’s beautiful. It’s such a joy to say it even though one cannot pinpoint anything, but certainly one can say it is spontaneous, automatic. Such a joy to say.

‘I am closing my performance, closing my days of life, but now when I hear all these beautiful realities of all successes on the basis of which we have built up Invincibility to be a perpetual phase to be lived in life, then I am expressing it is not I. If it’s I, it’s the big I, big I.

‘I would like to enjoy that big I from invincible ruler of America. It’s such a joy to give on this farewell time that I am given to float on this ocean of knowledge. Invincible Raja of America, please let the world know what I am speaking about, because unfathomable is the area in which I am floating now, and for all future generations. The depth of Jyotish, the depth of Yog, the depth of life, the depth of Vedic Wisdom is so enormous, unfathomable, that it can only be lived and not spoken. Give me the joy of your Vedic Wisdom of life, invincible American, invincible ruler of America. All Glory to Guru Dev.

‘Unfathomable is the field of life, and always unfathomable is the field of life. It got centred in the Indian civilization and spread as cultures of the world in such a vast spread manner that the whole thing is unfathomable.

‘It’s such a joy to say that when we are seeing the administration of the universe is becoming a living reality for all the future generations, then we wanted to point out from where this is happening. This is happening from everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, really everywhere. It’s not one individual doing; it’s the big I that is doing. I have a deep sense of awakening when I am searching from where all this was happening. Why the world should be grateful for laying the foundation for eternal Invincibility in life? The answer to the “why” is because life is like that. No reason. No reason. Because the nature of life is like that. And the nature of the Guide we got, Guru Dev. We got that “flood of wisdom” we call it, or whatever we call it. We got that wide-open sunshine from where this is going to be operated for all future times. So this Brahmanand Saraswati Trust: Brahmanand of course is obvious. Saraswati is the flow. Brahmanand Saraswati—flow of knowledge, flow of knowledge.

‘It’s a beautiful joy for me to reflect on my past, present, and future, and future of the world. So give expression to it, Dr Hagelin. Give expression to this unbounded field of intelligence wherein the script** is conducting from there the affairs of the world. And that is the role of silence from where Raja Adhiraj Raamji will be automatically establishing the reigning of activity in life everywhere throughout the world. It’s a great, great work that has developed, that a few people Yogic Flying and the world will be spontaneously in terms of harmony—harmony in the world, harmony in the world. Throughout the globe there will be no ups and downs. The world will ever be in peace, harmony, happiness, invincibility. All Glory to Guru Dev. No end to these waves of bliss.

‘So we hear from the great speaker who can speak Totality, who can speak Totality. It’s such a joy to hear the invincible ruler of America. It’s a great thing. . . .’

Raja Dr John Hagelin then spoke on the Unified Field of Natural Law as the source of Silent Administration of the universe.

Maharishi continued speaking to the Congress of Rajas and Ministers of the Global Country of World Peace:

‘Ask all other countries to embark upon creating the invincible character, invincible Tower of Invincibility, to have the memory of this transformation of the world for all future of mankind. Complete your programme of the day. Invite all the Rajas to be together, together, together, and again assign them what they are designed to be in their activity. So finish your programming for the memorial [Tower]. Jai Guru Dev.’


* Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.

** The script of Natural Law—the Veda.



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