Maharishi's Global Press Conferences Highlights

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr John Hagelin and Dr Bevan Morris. link to press conference highlights archive
'Now I welcome the influence of the world press to bring the message of—Total Knowledge—to every individual in our world and invincibility to every nation in our world. Whatever life has been so far, it has been endeavouring to be better and better. Now should be the time to step onto the plateau of the fulfilment of all the endeavors of the wise throughout the ages.'—Maharishi
Chronological Listing of Questions/Topics – 2006

11 January 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

18 January 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: Relationship of Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness to Waking, Sleeping, and Dreaming States of Consciousness

Question: The Practicality of Reconstructing the Buildings of the World

Question: The Future Fortune of Europe

25 January 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: Administration of the Universe by One or Many Gods

Question: Harmonious Coexistence of Invincible Nations

Dr David Lynch Is Introduced

Question: Vedic Education and Shiksha—Unfoldment

1 February 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: The Importance of All Maharishi’s Programmes

Question: On Reporting the News

Question: The Status of Governments

Question: The Uniqueness of Maharishi’s Teaching

Question: Continuance of Maharishi’s Message

Question: Invincibility and Sovereignty of Nations

Question: Limits of the Human Brain

Question: Basis of Effectiveness of Maharishi’s Programmes

8 February 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: The Structuring Dynamics of Total Natural Law

Question: Formula for Governments to Create Invincibility

Question: The Missing Value in Students’ Lives

Question: How One Can Create Whatever One Desires

Question: The Experience of the Text of Natural Law

15 February 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: Mechanics of Yogic Flying

Question: The Role of the Vedic Pandit Performances

22 February 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi; no questions

8 March 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: The Basis on Which Countries Have Been Adopted

Question: The Difference between the United Kingdom and the United States

Question: Maharishi’s Approach to England

Question: Objections to England

Question: Changing Leadership Is Not the Solution

Question: Maharishi’s Attitude towards England

Question: The Experience of Totality

Question: Benefits of Transcendental Meditation

Question: Place of Fame in Modern Society

Question: The Value of the Scientific Age

Question: The Difference between Transcending and Cognition

Question: Religious Differences and the Unified Field

Question: The Future of the Transcendental Meditation Movement

Question: Source of Maharishi’s Energy

15 March 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: The Most Important Point of Maharishi’s Teaching

Question: Expansion of the Message of Inner Peace

Question: Maharishi’s Message—A Reflection of Evolution

Question: The Reason for the Course Fee

Question: Maharishi’s Definition of Spirituality

Question: TM and the Development of Spirituality

Question: The Cause of National Awakening

Question: The Mechanics of the Influence of the Vedic Word

Question: The Role of Belief in Maharishi’s Teachings

Question: Unity Consciousness in Sleeping and Dreaming

Question: Meeting Point of Dreaming and Waking

Question: The Mechanics of Global Transformation

Question: The Potential in America’s Consciousness

Question: Mechanics of Fulfilling Big Desires

Question: What Individuals Can Do to Create World Peace

Question: Fulfilment of the Aspirations for a Golden Age

22 March 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: On How Peace Palaces Provide an Influence of Peace

Question: On Bringing the Structuring Dynamics of the Constitution of the Universe to the Level of Human Government

Question: Maharishi’s Message for the Youth

29 March 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Questions and Answers

‘Why has Maharishi chosen the geographical centre of America for his World Capital of Peace? What is significant about the centre of the country?

‘What will take place at the World Capital of Peace? What will be its different functions?

‘What influence will the new World Capital of Peace have on the country? How will America be different once the programmes of the World Capital are fully functioning?

5 April 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Open Remarks by Maharishi and Comment by Dr Hagelin

12 April 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: Peace Palaces Provide an Influence of Peace

19 April 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: What Professional Peacemakers Will Learn

Question: The Role of Human Government in the Government of Nature

26 April 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: American Intelligence Transforming the World

Question: Role of the Rajas

3 May 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: Unmanifest and the Field of Total Knowledge

10 May 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

17 May 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

24 May 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

31 May 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

7 June 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

14 June 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

21 June 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

28 June 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: How Yogic Flying Groups Improve All Aspects of Life

Question: How to Participate in Creating Invincible Holland

5 July 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: The Most Ideal Location for a Group of Yogic Flyers

Question: The Discovery of Vedic Technologies

12 July 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: The Starting Age for Students at Invincibility Schools

Question: The Curriculum of Invincibility Schools

Question: The Knowledge of the Golden Age

19 July 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi and Comment by Dr Hagelin

26 July 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: Functioning of the Constitution of the Universe

Comment on Invincibility Course Experiences

2 August 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

9 August 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: Deeper Experiences of the Unified Field in a Group

Question: The Designer of the Human Physiology

Question: The Nature of Time Changing

Question: The Cycles of Time

Question: The Cost of Reconstructing the World

Question: Reaching a Time of No Suffering

Question: Expressions of the Reality of God

23 August 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: Law and Order without Fear

30 August 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

6 September 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi; no questions

13 September 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

20 September 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

27 September 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

11 October 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Open Remarks by Maharishi and Comment by Dr Hagelin

1 November 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

8 November 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Question: Cycles of Time

Question: Effect of Large Groups of Yogic Flyers

22 November 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi

20 December 2006 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks by Maharishi



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